Sunday, April 02, 2006

Pink Moons and Yellow Stars

Bush can say whatever he likes about the reasons he went to war with Saddam, but the fact remains that we were lied to about the large majority of it and the majority of the people realize this and that is why his numbers are dropping. He can say the sky is neon pink, but we don't have to belive it. One minute we are chasing Osama and Al Qaeda (oops couldn't find them) and the next minute we are in Iraq (Didn't Osama go to Afganastan, oh their are friends, can't invade there). We still haven't caught Osama, the threat still exist, and being in Iraq spreading "our democracy" is not helping the rest of the world like us any better. I do think we live in the greatest country on earth (we could be doing this blog if we didn't), but I also think for the most part we are pretty pompous about it.

I also equate our relationship with Iraq to dating a drug addict. You support him, you get him off the drugs, but he's still the same needy, ungrateful ass as before, so you want to leave but you know if you do he will just go back on the drugs and then probably rob and destroy your house looking for drug money. Should you stay with him just because of that? No. We can not be our brother's keeper all of the time. They don't want us there, we don't want to be there. Cut our damn losses and figure a way out of this. (No I don't have an exit strategy b/c I'm not paid to think of one.)

And to get back to the Human Rights violations, there are many other nations with many more Human Rights violations, they just don't have oil and they aren't right next door to the cave-dweller we couldn't find.


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