Thursday, March 30, 2006

Friday's (oops Thursday's) Quick Hit... (puff, puff, hack!)

in re:Wayne's comments re:Spin v. Civility

FYI Wayne,

My 'assumptions' about Evangelicals are borne from experience, not guesswork. One of many examples is my Uncle Doug, he is a devout Born-again/Evangelical and I have spent a great deal of time with him and his family over the last three and a half decades. Other examples include former classmates/friends and their parents. My understanding of the Evangelical 'movement' is based entirely on my association with these various individuals and my own personal study of various religions/beliefs (and I have studied religion since I learned how to read 30+ years ago). [of course, my views are decidedly cynical, but I have had a decidedly cynical view of religion since I was six years old so that should really come as no surprise]

[Small tangent here: I think the end of the movie Dogma offered a simple idea that could pull us all back from the brink of insanity - that instead of clinging to BELIEFS, maybe we could start generating some IDEAS instead. A Belief is a very dangerous thing. Especially a belief that is chosen on the basis of incomplete information. Simply believing something doesn't make it true, and yet, people will fight and die in defense of their "belief". How many wars have been fought over "belief"? The short answer is "most of them". Hell man, the war in Iraq is a war that was started on the basis of which intelligence sources the Administration chose to believe. A Fact is tangible to all and unsusceptable to skepticism, a Belief is only tangible to the Believer and is therefore left vulnerable to broad skepticism.]

Anyway, I find it laughable that you should decry my 'assumptions' in our conversations after making one assumption after another about my 'beliefs' on the pages of this blog.

That is all...

have a great weekend kids!



Blogger Chad said...

"Most evangelicals are not end of dayers." - exactly how did you come to this conclusion?

3/31/2006 09:30:00 AM  
Blogger Chad said...

I haven't come to the conclusion that most evangelicals are end-timers, just that most of the ones that I know are. What I am asking is how do you come to the conclusion that most evangelicals are NOT end-timers based on your admitted knowledge of the belief of only one evangelical?

3/31/2006 09:40:00 PM  

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