Sunday, March 26, 2006

Ok, Here we go...

First of all I don't need to "make" any case, Wayne. The case has already been made. Your one-sided criticism of only liberal individuals is ignorant of a wealth of identical references by pundits and politicians alike on the 'right' side of the aisle regarding the opposition. As mentioned already, Rush Limbaugh, LOOOOOOVVVVEEEES to use the term 'FemiNazi' on his little radio show (and don't give me any crap about him not using that term anymore, cuz it's bullshit and I will provide proof if challenged). Imagine the unhinged OUTRAGE on the right if a liberal pundit started calling the First Lady... oh, I don't know, how about Eva Bush (in fond memory of Ms. Braun). And yet, it was just fine and dandy when ol' Rushbo continually referred to her predecessor as "Hitlery".

Never Forget, Wayne, that on September 11, 2001, thousands of American lives were snuffed out by terrorists. And yet, for the last four years we have been treated to conservative politician and pundit alike pounding the message that "Democrats want the terrorists to WIN!!" on every call-in show, on every Sunday morning talking head show, in nearly every speech from the VP, and echoed throughout the halls of Congress. Never Forget, indeed.

Does the fact that the right has continually savaged the Democratic party as Nazis, Communists (Never Forget, Wayne that Stalin killed 20 Million people), Terrorist sympathizers, etc., etc., make the statements of a few misguided liberals any less idiotic? Simply, NO. But before you get your panties in a bunch over THEIR statements, take a moment and consider the foolishness spewing from the mouths on your side of the street.

Criminy, man, you whine like this is a new phenomenon! These kind of character assassinations have been going on since the first election campaign when Og narrowly defeated Grok for the right to rule the Swamp in 6 billion BC. "Oh me, Oh my, those bad people said that Bush is like Hitler, Waaa Waaa Waaa, we must throw a big hissy and decry those who would perpetrate such EVIL, NEVER FORGET, Hitler was a bad man, he killed lots of people!!! Dear Leader must NOT be compared to him!!!" Get over it sissy, grow some balls and get in the game.

So... How about it buddy? Got something better to bring to the table? How about a discourse on why torture is a good idea, or how about warrantless wiretapping, or the looting of the treasury, or the war profiteering going on RIGHT FUCKING NOW, or how about that massive deficit that yer kids and mine get to pay off? How about "Mission Accomplished" (that was 2,200 dead soldiers ago, just in case your counting)?

I truly await your next post with baited breath, my friend.


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