Thursday, April 13, 2006

What's the fucking point???


Exactly what would be the point of posting the Flight 93 transcripts here? What exactly would it be relative to? If it's to make the point that there were and still are extremists who will go to any lengths to kill as many people as possible for what ever cause they deem worthy, that's repetitive and unnecessary. We get it. We ALL got it on September 11, 2001, and I seriously doubt ANYONE in this room has forgotten that yet. Is it to stoke the fears of an already ridiculously terrified populace? Trust me, George and Dick have got a lock on that gig already. Be careful 'Murica, cuz the terr'rist's are comin' ta git ya!!! They wanna sneak in your window and slit yer little daughter's throat, and sodomize you and your wife, and beat your dog, and pee on your cat, and ... the list goes on and on and on. We. Get. It. In case you didn't hear me the first time: We ALL got it on September 11, 2001, and I seriously doubt ANYONE in this room has forgotten that yet.

I wouldn't necessarily summarily delete such a post but it would depend alot on the concept and the context. If you were to write a post that depended on using portions of the transcript to drive a particular point home, fine; but if you were to just post the whole transcript verbatim, it would seem rather pointless (if for no other reason than the fact that you can already find it posted in several locations on the interwebs). Um, isn't that what Google is for after all??? (I'd even be willing to wager that that's how you found it the first time you went looking for it.)

As for dumping your previous post: I'll apologise for accusing you of plagiarism but not for dumping the post. If you wanna post a link that points people to other writings on other blogs, No Problem. If you wanna excerpt someone else's work while making or raising a point of your own, Go For It. But the fact remains that this is OUR blog, it was created for US to DISCUSS OUR IDEAS, not to simply regurgitate the thoughts and ideas of others.



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