Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Happiness is a warm gun...

Nik 001
Originally uploaded by maxunderkill.
... or a new Nikon... take your pick...


Blogger Chad said...

the latest greatest within my budget...

5/17/2006 04:41:00 PM  
Blogger Chad said...

actually "everything I possibly can" would be more accurate (and HOO-FUCKING-RAY for that 3 frames per second framing rate!!!).... I for one was extremely happy when digital finally caught up with film in regards to image quality/resolution, and my bank acount breathed a BIG sigh of relief when I didn't have to buy and process film anymore... I've had this camera for 6 days and I've already made 1171 photographs...(that would be the equivalent of 5+ rolls of film per day or $330.00 in film and processing - $55/day for 6 days)

5/17/2006 06:35:00 PM  

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