Monday, April 24, 2006

Take a minute to do your part.

Telco's are currently lobbying congress to end 'net neutrality'. It seems that they want to be the deciders when it comes to what you are able to do on the net. Take a few minutes and peruse Save the Internet. Power to the People, and all that....


Blogger Chad said...

Write, Call or E-mail your congressman and senator(s) and tell them that if they vote in favor of the Telco's on this one that you'll be voting against them when they are up for re-election. Donating a little money to Save the Internet and help them spread the word as to what the Telco's are trying to do to the free exchange of ideas wouldn't hurt either.

4/25/2006 06:40:00 AM  
Blogger Chad said...

"we all know Moveon is a socialistic front."... I don't suppose you have some sort of proof to back that asinine statement up, do you?

4/25/2006 03:39:00 PM  

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