Tuesday, April 25, 2006

School House Rock! Rocks!!!

Joe over at C&L always manages to find the funniest shit.

On the other hand:

This is not funny.

On July 8, 2004, Officers responding to a VOP warrant for Jerry Siler in Knoxville, TN sent his wife and 8 year old son out for a walk. For the next two hours they beat Mr. Siler and threatened him (ultimately threatening to murder him), in order to coerce him into signing a voluntary consent form. What they didn't know, however is that Mr. Siler's wife switched on a microcassette recorder just before the officers entered their home. (warning listening to this audio file may make you involuntarily wretch).

On the bright side, the 5 officers involved in this spectacular episode in the "War on Drugs"TM were sentenced to an average of 59.4 years in the Federal Pen. Finally, a win for the good guys.

For over 20 years we've been fighting a HUGELY unsuccessful war on drugs that was initiated by good ol' Ronbo Reagan (the first problem was that they waged the war on Americans with Drugs instead of tightening security at borders and ports to prevent the majority of the drugs consumed in the US from getting in to begin with, sound familiar???). Does anyone here think that Georgie "All hat, no cattle" Bush is really gonna be any better at waging the "War on Terrorism"? the first clue to the ridiculousness of that particular notion is that we've declared war on a TACTIC.


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